The followup to the New York Times story on Delta Zeta's purge last fall of its DePauw chapter (to remove the "un-cute") has begun.
DePauw University has posted on its website the letter addressed to Deborah A. Raziano, national president of Delta Zeta Sorority, from Robert G. Bottoms, president of DePauw. In it, he makes clear his displeasure at the sorority's actions and hints that their future is uncertain at DePauw.
DePauw notes on its website that "Fifty-five faculty members signed the document condemning the actions of DZ national."
Now that the story has hit the national news (the letter is dated 19 February and the story hit print 25 February), it'll continue to be interesting to watch developments.
If you're a Delta Zeta active or alum, I'd hope you'd write your national officers and headquarters staff and let them know what you think of their despicable actions in Greencastle.
And if you're one of the Indiana University DZ members who participated in the sham rush, I'd start hiding from the press. If you're among the six at the DePauw DZ who DIDN'T QUIT in protest, we already know where your ethical standards are.
But, then, this Indianapolis Observer was a GDI.
Liked your comments.
Some questions concerning this who issue.
Why did the president of the institution wait more than two months to write anything to the sorority.
Where were his ideals and leadership?
Why did the rest of the greek system at Depauw stand around and say nothing?
Only some of the professors responded.
Also...I expect the National DZ organization should be "on the hook" for stressing and displacing students regarding housing and finals.
As a DePauw DZ alumna ('00) who never agreed with the mandates DZ National put forward on image, I find this whole situation disgusting. After reading the press and other blogs I would like to stress that the blame for these events should be placed specifically on the DZ National officers, not the chapter or the women who have remained members.
I salute the women who left the house in protest and my heart goes out to all of those forcibly removed. But it is unfair to accuse the women who stayed of agreeing with the actions Nationals have taken.
DZ Nationals stormed their chapter and reorganized without their approval or consent. These women are staying because they want to save their chapter and understand that if they leave, DZ Nationals will do what they can to wash away the essence and sense of inclusion the chapter fostered.
We should be supporting all the women of Delta chapter, actives and alumnae, for holding on to their friendships and values in the face of National Council's complete lack of respect and pressure to conform. If you're looking for the women lacking ethical standards--they can be reached at Delta Zeta National Headquarters in Oxford, OH.
Delta Zeta is in "blame the messenger mode".
This is the response I got from Cindy Menges when I protested their removal of the DZ members from the house one week before exams:
"Rather than Delta Zeta Sorority, the media should be scorned and shunned."
Way to go, Cindy!
Well, Cindy's got her sorority thrown off a campus that's 70% Greek. That should impact her employment contract with the national Delta Zeta's!
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